The March Against Monsanto #3

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This weekend we did a lot of things. We had three days off and Daddy was sick. We went to the pool everyday and that was fun.

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On Saturday, we went to the March Against Monsanto. This was my 3rd one. It was fun. I went with my mom and sisters and brother. I dressed up as a bee, because Monsantos chemicals are killing our bees. Ani dressed up as a butterfly and Cookie was a ladybug. Domi wore my Food Revolution shirt. We walked and held our signs and got to cheer. I got to see D’Marie and Jon and lots of other nice people.


After the march, I passed out the coloring books I helped my mom make to all the kids. We gave them to the kids in the march and to all the kids on the playground.

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Sunday, I went with my mom and Ani to The Ecology Center for a Seed Talk. I thought we were going to look at more seeds, but it was still fun. We got to see the chickens and Ani was playing with a cat.

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Stepping stones and cooking

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Our Girl Scout Troop made stepping stones for our garden. Since we didn’t sell cookies and get awards for that, our award was a stepping stone that will be in the garden forever. It was a lot of fun and they turned out so pretty!

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Ani and I got to go to San Diego to take a cooking class on the Jamie Oliver Big Rig. Jamie did the pink slime video I saw when I was in kindergarten and he is trying to get healthier food in schools, just like me. It was kind of a long drive, but it was so cool to see the inside of the truck! We made a rainbow wrap. I didn’t like it so much an Ani said it looked disgusting. She didn’t want to taste it but my mom said she’d give her $5 just to taste it. She ended up liking it and ate the entire thing! It was awesome! I can’t wait to go back and make more food.

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Mats, Meets and Dom

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Our Girl Scout Troop finished our mats! We had 5 that we turned in with Mrs. Carol’s 6! I didn’t finish mine yet, but I want to finish over the summer.  We also took our care packages and blankets. I got to go with my mom to drop them off and learned all about the place that helps the homeless. It was really neat. They had lots of things they collect for people who lost their jobs and need help.

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I had my first track meet this weekend. It was a long day, but it was fun. I got to be with my friends and we did lots of races. I earned another medal too!

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Domanic turned 3! We got cupcakes for breakfast and Domi got a Buzz Light Year and Zurg. He loved them. I get to have a small family party with Domi because my present is going to be going to New York!

Hiking and dancing

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This weekend we went to go on a Hike N Dine with Zucchini Express and 5 Bar Beef. I was really excited because I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time. I went with my mom, Ani and Nana. We got there and parked up a hill on the dirt. We walked up another big hill, then, we had to walk back down to move our car. We followed Mr. Frank to the bike trail and parked there. Then, we walked back up the huge hill to start our hike. Then, a lady told us we had to move our cars again. My mom was getting too frustrated and I just wanted to start our hike. It was already an hour later and my mom said we were going to have to wrap it up. There were lots of other people leaving too. We walked back down to our car and there was the park ranger. We all ran. He was nice and didn’t give us a ticket. We were all hungry and Ani wanted Chipotle so we went there for dinner. It was a crazy day, but it was fun to walk up the hills and be with my mom and Nana and Ani.

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My sister’s and I performed at the Soka International Festival. We got to be in a theater on a big stage. We even wore makeup this time, but I didn’t really like it that much. We did lots of dances and it was fun. After, we walked around a little bit.

Girl Scouts and a race

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This weekend I got to go to a Girl Scout event. It was Scout Fire and we got to go sing songs. It was so fun. We got to make key chains and watch skits and sing songs. My mom didn’t get to go this time because no one could watch the kids.

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Ani and I ran another race. IT was Dash for Hope. It was at the place where we have Girl Scout Camp. I ran with Daddy and Ani ran with Mommy. I got 3rd place and got a medal!

I made a donation!

rick meg

This week the Orange County Register interviewed me about my cookbook. I got to go to The Ecology Center to talk to them and take pictures. It was fun and I was running around. I got to feed the chickens and play. I made my first donation to my garden teacher Meg. It was $90. We even have the books in the store there to sell.

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On the weekend I performed with my Folklorico group at a festival. We did a lot of songs and my sisters danced too. It was so fun.



Easter fun

easter rick pose

We just went to Tata’s house for Easter. We have gone every year since I was born. Tata and Rosemary have a giant backyard with lots of flowers and a garden. It’s just like the Secret Garden and I love it there.

easter kids

We ate lots of yummy food and had a huge Easter egg hunt. It was so much fun. We even got candy this year…it was all organic, non-GMO and no artificial food coloring. It was only a little bit, but still made my tummy hurt. We got a lot of toys and stickers and money. I love Easter at Tata’s.


Monday was Earth Day. My friend Zen gave me a bunch of seeds for bees. My mom helped me make labels that said Happy Earth Day with my name on them. I got to pass them out to my class and teachers. Everybody loved them.

earth day rick

This week Ani and I started track. It’s fun so far and our coach is really nice. It’s fun to run with my friends. We get to do two track meets and I think they will be fun.

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They announced the winners of the jogathon at my school. I ran the whole time and didn’t stop once. I did 20 laps and got first place for the girls in my class. I was so happy and I got a little reindeer stuffed animal.

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I did my fifth 5k! It was so fun. It was an Easter Egg hunt race and there were so many hills. I didn’t get a medal, but I did PR and my mom said that’s even better. I got 5th place and was the first girl in my age group of 7-10 year olds.. My time was 27.24. Ani got 1st place in her division and she got a really nice medal. It was so much fun.



Every day is Earth Day

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On Saturday we went to South Coast Farms. We got to pick lots of organic strawberries. Our Girl Scout troops came too.

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After we picked our strawberries we went next door to The Ecology Center. They had an Earth Day festival and it was amazing. We got a map and we went to different stations to do activities. Each one we did we got a stamp. We did all the activities and my favorite was the Water Shed. We got to feed the chickens, build a shelter, make a seed ball, and a post card. I even saw my garden teacher Meg!

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This week we spent a lot of time in our school garden. We planted 50 sunflowers! We saw lots of caterpillars and watered everyday. We even got to take our bikes to ride around when we were there for a long time.

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Jogathon week

This week I lost my seventh tooth! It was exciting. I got two dollars from the tooth fairy. She didn’t put the money under my pillow. Instead, it was in my shoe! I’m going to save my money to buy some new erasers.

rick youth leader card

I got something really cool in the mail. It was a really neat card game with pictures and facts about different kids who are doing really awesome things for our planet. I even have my own card!

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We had our jogathon this week too. My mom made me a cape that was so pretty. I ran the whole time and didn’t stop once. It was a lot of fun.

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I’ve also been working on my sleeping mat for the homeless. It’s made out of recycled plastic bags. I have 16 rows done but have a lot more to go!